Thursday, April 17, 2008

Why so Silent Silent Joe?

Ok Ok, I have been somewhat missing in action the past few months but for good reason.  I have been learning online marketing.  The day to day of programming is fun but I spend way to much time behind the computer.  So what have I learn so far?

I have learned that the sites I use, like MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc are being used by people to gain a marketing advantage.  They are actually making money off of these sites.  That surprised me in the fact that I never really saw that potential in these sites.  I just saw them as a social hangout.

So what exactly have I been doing?  I have been creating videos and making sites.  The first site I made was Joseph Geyer.  This is my personalized mentorship site where I aim to provide mentoring to those just beginning network marking, or just plain old marketing.  Yes I have learned this so well that I now teach others.

My second site is called MLM Ball.  It helps show people there broken mindset when wanting to be successful in any online business and helps promote the All 4 One Mastermind community.

And the latest and greatest site, My Millionaire Date strives to show people that there is a better way to manage there money and become a true millionaire.  No game playing, no wishing.  Pure help.  It is actually my best work to day as far as opt in pages go.

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

The NEW Way of Marketing

If you know me personally, you know that I am a sucker for the next BBD (bigger better deal) and over the past year I have awakened to my "lemming" ways.   Like so many, I would get into a nice program and be fairly interested in the program and just put out one page and let it set.  Guess what, it collected dust.  I have been taking marketing classes for about a year from the Dream Team and they do have some good material, they subscribe to the old way.  Basically, throw money at it and it will grow.  Now being of the class of normal, aka not rich, I never really had money to throw at it.  The money for the classes set me back a bit but I knew I wanted to get into online marketing.  Over the past few months, the more I looked around, the more I started to realize that these marketers are full of crap. 

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Not the year for eBay

noebay Just received an email from eBay announcing there new "lower" fee structure.  Its pure crap.

They RAISED the final value fee by 3.5%!!  5.25% was already rediculous and now they want 8.75%?   WTF?  Yeah they lowered there insertion fees by 5 cents.  Wooopy doo dah.  They are still taking the money out of your pocket when it sells.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Our next president can be a terrorist!

Barack_Obama_portrait_2005 That will teach the middle east!  Ok this is in the "I have gone too far category" but really sit back and think about it.

Barack Hussein Obama

I mean seriously.  3 strikes in one freaken name right there.

Barack sounds like Iraq

Hussein - Saddam anyone?

Obama - waaaay too close to Osama in my books.

I mean come on guy.  I'd at least of paid for a legal name change before running for office.

If he gets elected, one of the first titles "Barack destroys Iraq" or "Obama kills Osama" wee.  If he gets elected, there should be a condition that he HAS to have a name change when he takes the office.  I mean can you imagine being sworn in as Obama?

I have not really gotten into the politics yet but need to soon as the primaries are coming up.. wait can independants vote in primaries?  I dont think so.  I will have to Google it.

You know who I would vote for no matter there politics... a Black Woman.  Yeah screw all you racists out there and woman haters.  Put a Black Woman in office and castrate all of you mother F'ers.  That will teach you.    Which brings to mind.. maybe we should have a racist tax instead of hate crimes...  ooohhh I think we need more tax cuts for the "real" people.

I am drooling already.  You know what.  Oprah Winfrey for president.  What the hell, why not.


- SJ


Originally posted on My Homepage

Monday, January 21, 2008

Anti-Slavery Day

On MLK Jr's holibirthday celebrating what he did for those with colorful skin.. one has to wonder what all the christian "blacks" have to say about there very humble bible condoning slavery?  Was the "white" man wrong in following the very bible so many hold near and dear today?  I referenced the following:

Exodus 21:7
"If a man sells his daughter as a female slave, she is not to go free as the male slaves do."

Exodus 21:2
"If you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve for six years; but on the seventh he shall go out as a free man without payment."

Ex 21:7-37 is a bunch of "laws" for Maidservants.  These "laws" are abided by many blindly without actually questioning there reading materials and many who dont even read.  The white man has surely "destroyed" the black man, but they were taught to do so by the ultimate law of the land.  God's Law.

So the next time you are bitching that "I" owe you something because my skin pigment is white, I am merely gonna ask if you are a christian and if so, STFU.  Actually I will say that either way cause I know damn well I do not have any slaves and I sure as hell did not enslave YOU.

Was MLK Jr a Christian?  Did he denounce his faith like he denounced his "oppressors"?  Makes you really wonder about religion does it not?

If you want to taste a bit of a wake up call, read Leviticus.  Seriously.

Slavery is bad, even when condoned by the "Word of God" no matter how you shape it.  Period.

- SJ


Originally posted on My Homepage

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year

DSC_4397 This is an infamous catch up post with some foreshadowing of my life to be.

A few weeks ago, my friend Ryan invited me to a party that had a bunch of high school friends attending at one of there houses.  While it was last minute (only about 2 hours notice) I ended up going.  Took my PS2/Party Box (has guitar hero 1/2/3 80's and Karaoke stuff) to help with some of the fun.  I am not a big wine party person and just a big kid sometimes. 

Sidebar: Actually when you really think about yourself, you are just a kid on the inside also afraid to let him out for fears of what others would think.  Yes you.  They key to staying young is letting the kid out and have some unadulterated fun.  Parents get to feel this when they have kids and can play in the sand or with the kids toys.  Do not deny it.

So I went to this party and had a blast.  Played Karaoke and Guitar Hero 3.  Some of my friends were too shy to sing karaoke (let the kid out man, nobody cares if you sound like a dead horse) but for the most part everyone had a blast with it.  Yeah there was some idle chitchat about politics, abortion, elections, religion etc.  While as interesting as they were (the conversations) I believe everyone had the most fun just being there with everyone.  The conversations did not matter nor did the Party Box.

Since the party, my friend Ryan has lit his blog on fire with a bunch of heated posts and comments.  It kind of inspired me to get back on the saddle and start writing "good" articles for my blog instead of these hollow praises for stuff.  No I was not paid for them.  Back up off me.  Back to the distaste of the way people handle certain things like Illegal Immigration, religion, etc and my boring boring life.  Yep if you want to read the juicy stuff you have to read the boring stuff. 

So there you have it, my past few weeks.

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Save Stargate: SG1

sg1season10_castApparently there is a movement out there to save SG1.  It was the  best show on television while it was airing and I was dumbfounded when it was cancelled.  There was no real reason to do so and none given.  If you want to find out more visit  There are also talks of another movie.  Guess us fans will have to be in a "wait and see" holding pattern.

- SJ